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Florida Securities Dealers

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The Definitive Voice of, and Advocate for, Florida Securities Firms and Investment Advisors
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FSDA 90 Year Legacy

FLORIDA SECURITIES DEALERS AND ADVISORS ASSOCIATION [FSDA], a not for profit organization that advances the securities industry through advocacy, collaboration and education, is proud to celebrate a 90 year legacy.

In November 1933, a small group of financial industry professionals launched the FSDA. It was originally created to provide a platform for Florida securities industry professionals to exchange information and provide a forum to come together during a time of world crisis. Today, as the oldest and largest state securities association in the country, the organization’s membership is made up of top professionals from across the sunshine state and the US including: broker-dealers, investment advisors, mutual funds, law firms, industry consultants, insurance companies, and other securities firms.

While the trajectory of the FSDA has shifted over the last nine decades to focus on regulatory, legislative, and judicial developments with the objective of achieving fair and balanced regulation and legislation of the securities industry as well as providing education opportunities in Florida, the mission has remained the same:

FSDA Mission

Since 1933, FSDA has been the voice of the securities industry in Florida. It is our mission to advocate on behalf of the industry and provide education opportunities for our members and Florida's investing public.

The FSDA is governed by its Board of Governors, comprised entirely of volunteers from member firms, law firms, industry consultants, and independent registered investment advisors who contribute significant time and effort to achieve the FSDA’s objectives. The FSDA is proud of the work we do on behalf of our members and the investing public of the state of Florida.

With each year, my belief is the collaborative efforts the FSDA and its members put forth will work to solve issues facing our industry as a whole. Addressing complex issues through a framework of connections and education is an effective and powerful way for the FSDA to make lasting change within our industry and communities.

~ Eric Siber, FSDA 2023 President

JS | Held

Thank you for helping the FSDA celebrate an organization that has had such a huge impact on the securities industry and in the lives of both the professionals and investors we serve. The FSDA has been a force for advocacy and education for 90 years…what an incredible legacy.

~ Julia Richardson, FSDA 2024 President Elect

Raymond James

Congratulatory Messages

FSDA, thank you for your 90 year legacy of Advocacy, Collaboration and Education!

I am so honored to be a part of an organization that truly impacts our industry. Happy 90th Anniversary FSDA.

- Jennifer Stout

Bates Group

Happy 90th Anniversary FSDA!

I am looking forward to many more years of FSDA’s incredible work!

- Hank Sanchez

Bates Group

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