The Definitive Voice of, and Advocate for, Florida Securities Firms and Investment Advisorsfor More Than 90 Years.
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
Location: CAMLS Center - 2nd Floor Auditorium124 S. Franklin Street Tampa, Florida
Click here for directions and parking information.
Cryptocurrency & Blockchain Technology Panel Participants:
Kevin Rosen, Esq., Shutts & Bowen LLP – Moderator
Conversation with Richard Berry, head of FINRA Dispute Resolution, and FSDA member Patricia Cowart, Senior Counsel Wells Fargo Advisors. Rick will provide us with insight into Dispute Resolution, will discuss recent initiatives, and will address a topic of great interest to our members, the expungement process.
Turning #MeToo into #NotHere: Eliminating the Gender Gap in Financial Services Panel Participants:
Erin Linehan, Esq., Raymond James – Moderator
CE Credits approved: CLE - General 3.5, Bias Elimination 1.5, Technology 1.5 CLE Certification Credit: Business Litigation 3.5 CFP - 3.5 (please bring CFP number for reporting purposes) CPA - pending
FSDA thanks the following members for their sponsorship support of the Industry Outreach Program 2018
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